From around 2010 to 2013 I ran a small volunteer organization called Geoburst. continued to function for a long time afterward and now it’s time to take it down. Find Geoburst’s “About” page below.'s Banner
About Geoburst
The problem with mathematics
Dozens of books have been written about math education, and not in error, but GeoBurst’s philosophy can be summarized in a single sentence. We must teach that mathematics has intrinsic value, for being beautiful, fun, surprising, and expansive.
When kids practice their multiplication tables, we think of this as a pianist practicing scales. When the pianist is ready, however, he or she plays beautiful music. That is why we help kids take a break from their multiplication tables, to remind them of what beautiful mathematics they are preparing for.
GeoBurst’s Mission
GeoBurst mission is to Create Zest for Mathematics. By sharing our love for this subject, we hope to spread an enthusiasm for mathematics that will shine a positive light on a challenging subject for all of us.
By seeding positive early experiences with mathematics, GeoBurst’s activities can soothe the tension that some students feel about mathematics, encourage kids to pursue science and engineering, and ultimately increase the amount of beautiful mathematics that Canadians do.
GeoBurst’s Vision
We want every school in British Columbia to be equipped with a clearly labelled treasure chest of fun mathematical activities, and every student to experience at least two special presentations on mathematics by the time they finish grade 7. In the interest of creating equal opportunities, we are donor funded, and provide our services free of charge whenever possible.
Math Catcher
Mathematics through aboriginal story telling
We work closely with Math Catcher through consulting and the integration of our interactive shows into their program. This partnership benefits our programs mutually, and has helped GeoBurst develop its mission and activities by providing a raison-d’être and an audience at an early stage in our development.
GeoBurst is proud to work closely with award winning math professor, Dr. Veselin Jungic, and First Nations role models to bring a much needed enhancement to mathematics education for remotely located and urban Aboriginal students. GeoBurst is an integral part of their school visiting program, and Math Catcher’s influence and contributions continue to be indispensable to the formation of our values, and the operation of our program.